What are the Deciding Factors for the Payment Schedule?
When applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you may be wondering when you will receive your monthly Social Security payments each month. For many people, this is their main source of income and it helps to budget each month’s finances according to the date they receive their payments.
The payment schedule actually depends on a few deciding factors including what type of payments your are approved for and your birthday.

Staggered Payments
With approximately 64 million Americans receiving some type of Social Security payment each month, the Social Security Administration (SSA) deems it necessary to stagger the payments throughout the month instead of paying all of these people on the same exact day.
What Day Will I Receive My Payment Each Month?
Your payment date depends on the type of payment for which you are eligible. The three main types are: Retirement Benefits, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
SSI Only
If you have applied and been approved Supplemental Security Income (SSI) only, your payment date is the first of the month. The exception is if the 1st falls on a holiday or weekend, then you will be paid the business day prior to that. For example, if May 1st falls on a Saturday, you will be paid on Friday, April 30th.
SSDI and SSI Together
If you have applied and been approved for both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) together, your payment date is the first date of the month for SSI and the third day of the month for SSDI. The exception is if the 1st or 3rd falls on a holiday or weekend. Then you will be paid on the business day prior to that. For example, if August 3rd falls on a Sunday, you will be paid both SSDI and SSI on Friday, August 1st.
SSDI and/or Retirement Benefits
Your birthday plays a key role in determining when you receive payments for earned Retirement Benefits and/or Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDI).
If your birthdate falls between:
1. 1st-10th, you will receive your payment on the 2nd Wednesday of the month
2. 11th-20th, you will receive your payment on the 3rd Wednesday of the month
3. 21st-31st, you will receive your payment on the 4th Wednesday of the month
If your Wednesday payment date falls on a holiday, you will be paid on the business day before that day.
*The Wednesday staggering of payments only applies to those receiving benefits after 1997. If you started receiving benefits before 1997, your payment is made to you on the 3rd of the month.

When Do My Payments Begin Once I Am Approved for SSDI and/or SSI?
Once you have applied for and been approved for SSDI, your payments will begin after a five-month waiting period. You will start to receive payments the 6th full month after it is determined that your disability began but not more than 12 months before the date of your application.
Once approved for SSI, benefits are paid the month after the date of your application or the month after it is determined that your disability began, whichever is later.
For example: If your disability began May 15th, 2021 and you applied on June 1st, 2021, your first SSDI payment will be for the month of November 2021, after the five-month waiting period. You may be eligible for SSI during this five-month waiting period to supplement your SSDI award.
*The exception to this rule is for those diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). There is no waiting period for SSDI benefits for someone with ALS.
Helpful Things to Know About Your Payments
Except for SSI, payments from the Social Security Administration (SSA) are made for the month prior. For example, if you are due a payment for November, it will be paid to you in December. SSI is Federal public aid payment and, therefore, paid on the 1st of the month for which the payment is due.
Lastly, although we often refer to Social Security payments as “checks”, the SSA generally does not actually send out checks in the mail anymore. Preferred payment is via Direct Deposit with a bank account that you have on file with them or they are applied to a Direct Express debit card that you can get through the SSA. The debit card can be used for purchases or payments.
How Do I Find Out More?
You may still have questions regarding SSDI and/or SSI payment dates and when you can expect them once you’ve applied for and been approved for benefits.
Speaking to an experienced professional, like an attorney, may be the next step. They can help you decide if pursuing SSDI and/or SSI benefits is worth your time and energy. Additionally, they may even be able to help you with the application or appeals process.
To speak with the experienced team at Roose & Ressler about your impairment and application, contact us today. A consultation is no cost to you and may be valuable in helping you determine whether or not your condition will qualify for benefits.

An attorney can give you the best possible chance that your claim will be approved. Sometimes the process is confusing or complicated. An attorney can explain what is happening and can ease your mind when there is nothing to be concerned about and take action for you when there is a concern. An attorney can be your partner, walking through the process with you, from beginning to end, including making sure that you are paid all the benefits to which you are entitled when you win.